Online Portfolio
BELOW YOU will find examples of MY professional work.
Title: Lotteries.com TT Race YouTube Pre Roll Ad
Client: Lotteries.com
Employer: Crow Computing
Description: During the summer of 2018, Lotteries.com sponsored motorcycle rider Andrew Dudgeon, as well sidecar racers Stuart Christian and Craig Melvin (Melvin Racing) in the Isle of Mann TT race. The crux of this campaign was that Lotteries.com were giving away a trip for 2 to the TT Races, where the winners could have a meet and greet with the riders that we were sponsoring. As a marketing department we decided to run a YouTube Ad Campaign in order to get more sign ups for Lotteries.com and the contest. I was tasked with creating the video advert, as well as liaising with our partner digital agency ‘Smithfield’ who would be running the YouTube Ad campaign for us. I created the video with the use of stock video, music and footage from Shutterstock and then complied everything together in Premier Pro.
Software Used: Premier Pro
Title: Why Play The US Powerball? Infographic Video
Client: Lotteries.com
Employer: Crow Computing
Description: I was tasked with taking the information from a blog article and condensing it down into a video format. The video did two distinct tasks: Social conversions and boost SEO rankings. Firstly it was placed onto Lotteries.com’s Facebook page, along with a link to the US Powerball betting section of the Lotteries.com site. The aim was to capture our audiences’ attention and convince them to place a bet. Secondly, it was placed into the blog article that it related to in order to elevate the SEO ranking for that particular page.
Platforms Used: VYOND
social media design
Title: Skeuomo Facebook Cover Photo
Client: Skeuomo
Employer: Freelance
Description: I was given a brief which required me to create a cover photo for Skeuomo’s Facebook page. The cover photo aimed to get the attention of 18-26 year old artists.
Software Used: Photoshop
Title: Australian Superdraw Facebook Cover Video
Client: Lotteries.com
Employer: Crow Computing
Description: I was tasked with creating a cover video to advertise the Australian Superdraw $21 Million Jackpot on the Lotteries.com Facebook page. For this brief we did not have any video footage so I instead sourced a large photo from Shutterstock and imported it into Premier Pro. I then animated the camera movement to go from left to right, across the large photograph, in turn creating a video. The sound and text animations were added in Premier Pro.
Software Used: Premier Pro
Title: GHOST Product Advert
Client: Get Some Supps Melbourne
Employer: Get Some Supps Melbourne
Description: I was tasked with creating a graphic for a Facebook Single Image Ad. The aim of the advert was to firstly capture the attention of our target market (18-24 year old males who have an interest in body building and working out) and then make them aware that ‘Get Some Supps’ stocks GHOST products, which would hopefully result in them clicking on the ad and making a purchase on the site.
Software Used: Photoshop
Title: Long Distance Relationships - Infographic
Client: Vidao Messenger Inc
Employer: Vidao Messenger Inc
Description: Vidao was a messaging app that operated similar to ‘Whats App’, but offered the added ability of being able to transfer word documents and presentation files within the app. The aim of this infographic was to highlight how technology can help us in every facet of our lives, including falling in love. This infographic was posted on Vidao’s Facebook page and was accompanied by a link to a blog article, which discussed this topic in more depth.
Software Used: Photoshop
Title: Where Should You Kick? - Free Bet Giveaway
Client: Lotteries.com
Employer: Crow Computing
Description: To increase interaction and engagement on the Lotteries.com Facebook page, we would often run contests that gave away free bets, in exchange for people liking and commenting on our posts. I would create a number of these graphics in Photoshop. The above example is from our World Cup 2018 campaign. Throughout the World Cup we would publish a different soccer-related guessing game, every few days. We had zero advertising budget for these games, however, the organic engagement for these contests was very high.
Software Used: Photoshop
Title: “Score The Winner” World Cup 2018 Twitter Banner
Client: Lotteries.com
Employer: Crow Computing
Description: Throughout the 2018 World Cup, Crow Computing ran a number of marketing campaigns inspired by the World Cup. I was tasked with designing the creative that would be central for the entire campaign. At the time, the tagline for Lotteries.com was ‘Sky High Jackpots’ and the creative had to play off of that tagline but also relate to the World Cup. The above graphic was approved as the final artwork for the campaign. The artwork was also used in the Lotteries.com homepage web slider, Facebook cover photo and email banners.
Software Used: Photoshop
Title: Post Game Summer Gordo Offer - World Cup Twitter Campaign
Client: Lotteries.com
Employer: Crow Computing
Description: Throughout the 2018 World Cup, Crow Computing ran a number of marketing campaigns inspired by the World Cup. We used Twitter as a real time social media platform to engage with followers of the World Cup and push our lottery products to them. We did this by using trending hashtags, as well as tweeting post-game deals, along with the match results. I created the above graphic for after the pool match between Spain and Morocco. The product in the post game offers would often features lotteries from the particular country who had just played. (Summer Gordo is the largest Spanish lottery that Lotteries.com offers)
Software Used: Photoshop
Title: Lotteries.com YouTube Channel Trailer
Client: Lotteries.com
Employer: Crow Computing
Description: I was tasked with creating a channel trailer for the Lotteries.com YouTube Channel. The idea of the channel trailer was to educated newcomers to the Lotteries.com YouTube page on who exactly Lotteries.com was and what service they offered. The aim was to get people to sign up with Lotteries.com after they watched the video. I used Vyond to create the animations and commissioned a voice over artist on Fiverr to record the voice over and then used Premier Pro to cut it all together.
Software Used: Vyond, Premier Pro, Fiverr
Title: Lotteries.com TT Race YouTube Cover Photo
Client: Lotteries.com
Employer: Crow Computing
Description: During the summer of 2018, Lotteries.com sponsored motorcycle rider Andrew Dudgeon, as well as sidecar racers Stuart Christian and Craig Melvin (Melvin Racing) in the Isle of Man TT race. I was tasked with creating the marketing collateral for all online media channels. The crux of this campaign was that Lotteries.com were giving away a trip for two to the TT Races, where the winners could have a meet and greet with the riders that Lotteries.com were sponsoring. The YouTube cover photo was designed to reference this contest.
Software Used: Photoshop
Title: Lotteries.com TT Race - Melvin Racing - Bumper Ad Campaign
Client: Lotteries.com
Employer: Crow Computing
Description: Building off what we made with the above ‘Pre Roll Campaign’, we utilized another format of YouTube’s advertising platform, in the form of “Bumper Ads’. We focused on the sidecar racing team ‘Melvin Racing’ and aimed to highlight their funny personalities, which would hopefully engage viewers and make them want to click. The videos came from a longer, full length interview, which went for about 25 minutes, but I cut it down into this six-second highlight form, in order to meet bumper ad specifications. Again, as with the pre roll campaign, I liaised with our partner digital agency ‘Smithfield’ who ran this campaign for us on YouTube.
Software Used: Premier Pro
Title: Leanne’s Lotto Adventures Instagram Campaign
Client: Lotteries.com
Employer: Crow Computing
Description: Using Instagram as a platform, myself and the lead copy writer created a marketing campaign which, at its core, told the fictional story of serial lottery winner ‘Leanne’. The story was played out with daily posts on Instagram, allowing users to live vicariously through the character.
As this was an ongoing story, I created a landing page which was linked in the Lotteries.com Instagram bio and served as a hub for new people to the story. (This customer journey can be viewed in the summary video further down). The landing page contained a summary of the story from the very beginning, as well Leanne’s top destinations and, most importantly, an email capture.
The short term goal of this campaign was to get people to sign up for lottery notifications, so that they could ‘PLAY THE LOTTERY LIKE LEANNE’. Once they provided their email address and agreed to hear from us, they would go onto our ‘FRIENDS OF LEANNE’ emailing list, where we would market our lottery products to them via their emails. The aim of the campaign was to get people interested in lotteries by following Leanne’s story and then convert them into leads once they came to the landing page.
Software/ Platforms Used: Photoshop, Unbounce, Premier Pro