Suite20Seven Designs

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Fantastic, we have now established that an internship is the best way of progressing your creative career in its infant stages. But how do you find an internship? Where do you go? Where do you start? Lucky for you I have broken it down into 4 easy steps.

Step 1 - Define what area you think you fit into

For example, if you are a graphic designer who is interested in UI/UX app design, you're not going to apply for an internship at a printing studio, are you? You’re going to want to look for a tech startup or an established online platform. Defining your niche will help ensure that you get the most out of your internship.

Step  2 - Look around your personal networks

Do you have a family member, a friend, a friend of a friend, or someone with whom you have some sort of social connection that is already involved in the industry that you are looking to break into? If so, reach out to this person via email or phone and ask if they know of any openings for interns at their respective companies. Remember, you want to stay as polite and considerate as possible in these situations as these people do not owe you anything. In fact, they are doing you a favour and, if they are successful in helping you land an internship, offer to take them out for coffee or a bite eat as a thank you. It is important at all stages of your creative career, but especially in its infancy, to establish strong professional personal relationships. This will hold you in good stead throughout your creative career.

Step 3 - Look at online job listings

Some companies will post intern positions on popular job listing sites such as,, and (the site you use will depend on the country you live in). You can apply for internship positions directly through these sites.

Step 4 - Get on the front foot

Now, here is what I did when I was in my second year of university in Melbourne, Australia. At the time I was interested in photojournalism so I went to Google and searched ‘local newspapers in Melbourne CBD’. I clicked on each newspaper's site, went to the contact section and emailed the editor in chief saying that I was currently attending a local art school and that I was looking for an internship. I also included a link to my online portfolio in the email. Out of the 20 newspapers I emailed, one responded and asked me to attend an interview.

Two weeks later I was working as a part-time photography intern. I got to shoot pictures for the bi-weekly newspaper as well as work alongside the other creatives within the newspaper’s team. I used this same technique once I was finished with university, but this time I had changed my direction to pursue a career in graphic design. Once again, I Googled ‘creative agencies in Melbourne’ and emailed their HR departments asking if they would take me as an intern. You can use this same technique for any creative job that you want.

  1. Jump on Google

  2. Look up local businesses/artists in your area

  3. Go to the contact section of their sites

  4. Find their HR Departments or contact email addresses

  5. Reach out

At first, you may get a few noes but that's ok! Keep your head up and you will eventually find somewhere or someone that is willing to work with you.  

Good Luck!

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